Never Ending Zoom in Home Gif Deviant Art Never Ending Home Gif

Could I request an analysis of Nazz's personality through the whole serial + movie? Crusade, sadly, she wasn't that developed I think :c

If you search Nazz on this blog, I have already analyzed her quite a few times! Annihilation specific you lot want me to dwell on? She'due south underdeveloped but I find her very fun to go on rails of in the background of episodes. Definitely a unique grapheme among the rest of the cast, if non much else.

And then, the animation on many episodes that were animated by Funbag Blitheness Studios Inc. was different compared to this animation by Yeson Entertainment?

No clue, only I'm only under the impression Funbag contributed to private scenes, I believe Yeson was the primary animation studio on every episode.

Hi, it's me over again! I read somewhere, several times at that, that Eddy is afraid of the dark... Is it a "canon" matter? I know yous're not really addicted of canon things in EEnE, only I was wondering if you had an answer

Heya! Well really, canon IS my whole thing, I'1000 simply entirely focused on what actually happens in the show rather than other sources. Eddy beingness afraid of the dark comes up at to the lowest degree 3 times in 'Boom Blast Out Goes the Ed", throughout the power outage until the scam distracts him and once more as the concluding gag of the episode when Edd turns the lights off on Ed and Eddy. Don't recall information technology coming upwards in other episodes, simply I believe it appeared earlier in i of the comics by the bear witness'southward boarders, when Boil gets separated from the others in the sewer and is scared to be alone in the dark.

I already told that person straight but I'll say it again here:

Danny Antonucci doesn't give a damn near "canon," he's and so far removed from the show at this betoken (and was never really committed to the "physical information" side of creating characters during the series' actual run anyway). At that place'due south no signal in asking him because literally every boarder was gratuitous to conceive of their own vague context.

Of course Danny'southward going to give you xx unlike ages and Plank's 100. Does that really sound serious? Messing with the fans' heads isn't going to impact him at all at this point and so of course he's going to practise it!

If fans are drastic for age context, there are simply 2 episodes for you:

'Mission Ed-Possible' puts the most piece of work into showing that EVERY KID except Sarah and Jimmy is in 6th class. 6th graders typically range 11-12 years old, and these are the simply ages referenced for the Eds in other episodes and in AKA staff interviews, so information technology makes sense that their boyfriend 6th graders share that age range. It is fair to question Lee, Rolf and Ed, but all three are treated in the series as simply ahead of others hormonally, which is fair.


'Also Smart for His Own Ed' provides an alternate timeline where a storyboarder missed the sixth grade memo and judging by Edd'southward awards this was his 8th form spelling bee, which would suggest they're in a 12-13 historic period range, also reasonable. This episode too shows that Sarah and Jimmy are in an elementary section of the schoolhouse, with cubbies instead of lockers. Sarah and Jimmy were once referred to by a storyboarder every bit 8-year-olds, which I think suits them perfectly, but again, could be conjecture.


Hi I'm a decade late simply reading upwardly on this blog has helped my tiresome decent into Ed madness thank y'all for that

Awww I'yard a decade late to saying cheers for this ask but I always like seeing it when I cease up in my ask box! Thanks and then much, glad you enjoyed the web log!

This might be a fleck of an odd question, but I'yard wondering about famous scientists/artists Edd'southward proper name-dropped over the course of the series? He mentions theodor geisel, nikola tesla, niccolo paganini, and niels bohr (I call up for the cat name?) Only those are all I can think of, I was wondering if y'all could think of any others off the top of your caput or if there fifty-fifty were whatever others? Apologies if this is just. a very strange ask lol

Not a strange ask merely unfortunately I'd have to rewatch all the episodes to retrieve considering I'chiliad sure I've missed some, haha. I recently realized that in 'Smile for the Ed', Eddy says "Put your Helmut Newton on, sockhead" and I never got that that's a famous photographer, I somehow believed it was an obscure old-timey photographic camera helmet I never heard of. :P That episode also has a groundwork reference (via a bust in the music room) to … Mozart I call back?

Y'all are correct that all of those have been namedropped by Edd, and I call back that in the Niccolo Paganini episode ('Pain in the Ed') Edd likewise mentions Chopin and probably a few other composers. Once again I can only add an Boil line, calling Ed "Baryshni-coughdrop" in reference to famous Russian dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov.


Has it e'er been outright confirmed of Ed being allergic to cleaning products like soap and deodorant? I know as the serial bible says, Ed has a ton of allergies including rabbits, cats, eels and butterscotch. It seems would make sense that Ed fearing lather/deo is medical related, but I've never found anything confirming that as his reasoning for such strong abstention.

They've successfully washed Ed at to the lowest degree once (Over Your Ed) without him breaking out so I wouldn't suspect it, only I do like that better than it just beingness random. I don't know much about soap allergies and I'm not recalling any other moments off-mitt merely mayhap he was washed with a hypoallergenic detergent any fourth dimension Edd has sanitized him?

in the series bible post you said that the neighborhood characters were designed by another studio/cn executives? tin you elaborate please?

I definitely didn't say CN execs designed any characters. According to the storyboarder I was talking to in 2009, "the kids" bandage designs were outsourced to another unnamed studio, presumably another Canadian studio run past one-time friends of Danny's. Makes no sense to me when he would have done this.. Presumably for the purpose of pitching the evidence simply when did he breathing the walk/run cycles for everyone from the DVD? Or did he outsource those too? The Eds and the Kankers on the other hand have early designs that seemed to come from Danny himself. It is likely Danny sent concept art for the others in gild to reach the finalized designs, simply as soon as I heard that the other designs were not necessarily done in tandem with the Eds' designs, I could run into how the kids' earliest designs share a slightly different logic from the Eds' and some of the kids' designs took a piddling longer to conform to the style.

Submission: Ed edd n eddy but I don't know what episode it's from  This is from 'Virt-Ed-Go' when they watch Ed's big water balloon balloon go up in the air and disappear for a long time. Wow, the animators drew a lot more than the camera ends up...

Submission:  Ed edd north eddy but I don't know what episode information technology's from

This is from 'Virt-Ed-Go' when they watch Ed'south big h2o airship balloon go up in the air and disappear for a long time.  Wow, the animators drew a lot more than the camera ends up including!

Also I'k interested that Dawn/Virt is apparently production code "3A" while it aired every bit 4B (meaning it was produced Virt/Dawn and got switched in airing with Sir Ed-A-Lot/A Pinch to Grow an Ed, the existent fourth in production).  Never realized before how similar Dawn/Virt's animation style was to the showtime two episodes, a little fluid-motion/glitchy-colors trilogy.

Related to my last ask; how much of the evidence practice you lot feel is actually meant to be cruel/disturbing; and how much practice you think is just the generational gap between Danny and the audience? (For example, some people finding the sticky notation communication neglectful; while to Danny it was only that his parents worked long hours and needed to leave him notes)

If I found out a group of older girls was forcing kisses on my son, I'd heighten hell about information technology instead of treating information technology like it's funny.

I know when I was a child (I'm 26) anti-bullying was a big sentiment. Bullying existed but nobody wanted to be LABELED a bully. When my dad was a kid, they threw rocks at each other and called each other slurs. So maybe the bear witness isn't meant to be barbarous? To Danny and the coiffure, is information technology just "hahaha childhood was crazy"?

I don't think we have the ability to say what Danny'south true opinion was on his upbringing, I don't retrieve he expresses much of an attitude toward it one fashion or another since it's personal. I recall Edd's viscous note situation is a comically exaggerated version of Danny's, to create the more than interesting story that Edd's got nobody at home with him and split him off into a very unlike character from the other ii re-iterations of Danny's life. The story he created for Edd contains many notes of neglect, simply does not necessarily reverberate his life accurately. My family also communicated by sticky notes when our schedules were very different, just that was hardly a defining thing most how nosotros communicated, nosotros withal were all domicile by dinner and on the weekends. I remember Danny just looked at that kind of state of affairs and built Edd out of request the surreal question, "what would happen if your parents were always absent-minded and ONLY communicated that fashion?"

Between EEnE and the Snotrocket airplane pilot, I remember Danny's depiction of parents is consistently that they are afar, mean-spirited and hard to connect with. To me, Eddy'southward upbringing seems more than straight continued to Danny's, because Danny has referred to odd stories almost his father and older blood brother taking him out to butcher animals and stuff like that. I imagine that Eddy (and Ed in a lower key) having to repress things about his family in gild to remain resilient probably connects very deeply with Danny.

Ed, Edd due north Eddy is more introspective than people requite it credit for. In my opinion, the cruelty is an outlet for the cruelty the artists take endured. Danny being desensitized to it from his upbringing and generation is very possible, merely I don't think it'south part of the evidence but to be useless, it'due south at that place considering they desire to acknowledge that kids are stuck processing a cruel world just like adults. I call up it's one of those shows where the camera is a judge and the audience is the jury and we simply get to run across the story equally it transpires. The outcome may non be a happy story, but the commemoration of life'due south discordance is easy for a wider audition to chronicle to and rings more than truthful than some other Hollywood story near how existence a child is magical.

A lot of fans retrieve that Edd'southward parents are supposed to be neglectful, but Danny's implied that he meant for them to but be busy. (A lot of stuff that seems disturbing to the fans was apparently normal in Danny's upbringing) If anything, the sticky notes are a lot more doting than the other parents' unseen behavior, too Rolf's tight-knit family and Kevin's loving father.

To me (and this may merely exist my own upbringing bias), he comes across as that one kid who doesn't understand that his friends' parents are calumniating. (This was common in childhood friend groups but I don't meet it explored a lot on Tv) Edd thinks parents and teachers are infallible and benevolent considering he doesn't have feel with abuse.

He thinks calling everyone's parents when they interruption the rules volition restore club when it actually causes more than panic; he doesn't seem to get that delivering the bad grades to Ed and Eddy'due south parents won't crusade "fair subject" just harsh, overboard punishment (in Ed'south instance, punishment for a learning inability outside his control!); and when his friends are grounded his parents are the simply ones who treat it equally a restorative penance than imposed suffering. ("Three days? What makes you lot and then special?")

Eddy and Ed are more than mature than Edd in that light; they know adults aren't always right. That'south why information technology's easier for them to rebel.

This is but my take and I could be wrong, but I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts!

I call back the fandom certainly focuses a lot more than on Edd'south neglect than on the other characters' varying cases of neglect and physical abuse (I'll never forget that Rolf gets stored in a cupboard when he disobeys his family and comes home from family reunions bruised and battered), and that can make it seem similar Edd'due south struggles have been exaggerated, but I exercise think it'due south important to think that neglect is all the same corruption and many indications are given that Edd'due south parents are seriously falling brusque of what he needs. The series bible says they both piece of work nights, only nosotros mainly run into in the show that they both work days as well, sending an alarming message that in that location'southward no consistent window in Edd's daily schedule where he sees his parents at all, and common cold, sterile chores on viscous notes are the most he sees of them coming dwelling some days. At that place's been word at AKA about whether or non his parents take always attended his spelling bees or if they were even at that place to drive him domicile that night. His parents forget to tell him they're having an entire room of their house removed and remodeled, something they had to take been scheduling some time in advance. We have seen that Edd handles his own breakfast in the morning and that at that place are evenings where he cooks his own elementary dinners. Edd is extremely self-raised and he'south only 12, has he been living this fashion his entire life? How did these parents handle a baby?

The fandom absolutely does omit testify about his parents being nice. Edd'south mom has been unsaid to be off-screen cooking for him on more than 1 occasion (peradventure they come domicile for lunch), and we know she was monitoring his emotions subsequently losing the spelling bee. Nosotros know they both know what his favorite things are and will allow him the liberty to tinker freely with their stuff and make him his favorite foods when he's pitiful. Their groundings are strict only fair and he'south still able to enjoy himself during them considering they respect his hobbies. What little information we get most them on Halloween and Christmas indicates they practise come home for holidays and extend letters of holiday condom to their neighbors.

In my opinion, it's a pretty fair, realistic portrayal of his absentee worker bee parents. They mean very well but they are too busy to truly parent him and bond with him and too cold and self-captivated to see that lack of connection. As a result, Edd is very naïve and trusts adults blindly every bit a safety cyberspace because any random adult is as close to him equally his parents and he doesn't always see how the injustices of child-gild bear over into the adult-gild.

That's merely how I think of him, but yes, ultimately I concord that as a issue of his sheltered home life, Edd lacked awareness, during the prove, of Eddy'southward (and Ed's) abuse because he was ignorant to annihilation other than neglect. I recall it'due south actually smart how ending the series with Bro'due south scene clearly counters Edd's prior perception of adults as trustworthy, but likewise reveals to him how closed-minded he's been nearly what his friends could exist going through. And yeah, I likewise like that there's a sure level of maturity that Ed and Eddy do accept from going through more turbulent upbringings than Edd.

Peradventure blindingly obvious in hindsight, but the Wizard Of Oz references in Big Picture Prove go even further when y'all realize that Boil's Bro is the Wizard. The Eds went to him to seek refuge, hearing of his legendary nature...

But so the curtain that is his trailer door is pulled back, and they see and are ultimately allow downwards past his truthful nature in the cease, and show that the values they were often seen as not having/believed to not have (Ed brains, Edd Courage, Eddy Centre), were there all along, they just needed to actively utilize and show they had them.

Very astute observation! I feel similar it must accept crossed my heed at some bespeak to work Bro into the Wizard of Oz comparison, only I don't think I've thought as well difficult most his angle before.

Do y'all call back Sid, Harold & Stinky from Hey Arnold are a bit like to the Eds? The three practice become themselves into ridiculous situations and even Sid seems to detest germs, similar Double D.

Indeed! They did develop into a bit of an Eds-style trio in Hey Arnold'southward digital era. I definitely thought that during the 1 where they mooned Principal Wartz and that really weird later one where they were on the lam and dealing with a homeless homo in a box car and stuff.

Noticing at the end of the Japanese Mono Synth Mix music video, the animations for the Eds wearing red speedos is probably the unused blitheness from "Pop Goes the Ed"?

If you pause it/become frame by frame on the animation, information technology looks like they really took a few poses and in-betweens of the Eds rolling/doing their tricks in dissimilar scenes from 'Pop Goes the Ed' and re-edited those frames into a new animation, to go far wait similar there was a point where all three Eds did a cannonball or something. Pretty convincing! If you interruption on sure frames, the Eds are clearly spinning intentionally and having fun, while other frames are poses of them injured and upset, from when they all crashed into Nazz's table.

In your own words and analysis ways, what was your opinion on the scene in "Fistful of Ed" right after Edd is crying while the bloom bloomed when Jimmy decided to aid him? What'd you think of Jimmys sympathy to Edd?


I appreciated the testify allowing Jimmy the depth to veer and then quickly from blind terror to genuine empathy. Information technology was more than a little surprising to me, considering Jimmy and Edd's usual cattiness when left solitary together (and collaborating one-on-one between an Ed and non-Ed is so unusual), but I was impressed with how the writers/boarders casually took advantage of how the other kids are willing to have more organized religion in Edd's character when he's separated from Ed and Eddy.

(information technology besides fueled my theory that Jimmy'south parents a psychologists and that he's copying their mannerisms throughout this scene)


It'south like, that episode operates heavily on you forgetting the kids already adopt Edd, so information technology's smart to me that the episode shows how piece of cake it is for the kids to both forget and retrieve Edd's adept qualities on a dime. I also kinda like the manner information technology ends up, even though Edd is badly beaten– Jimmy being in a fugue state while attacking Edd and being horrified afterward does a great job of showing Jimmy's total range every bit a character while still communicating that Jimmy and Edd bonded today and Jimmy isn't proud of what he's done.



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